Climate Change – What You Can Do at home

by biggreenswitch

Making a few small changes in your home and yard can lead to big reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and save money.

1. Change 5 lights. Replace the conventional bulbs in your 5 most frequently used light fixtures with bulbs that have the ENERGY STAR.

2. Look for ENERGY STAR qualified product in more than 50 product categories, including lighting, home electronics, heating and cooling equipment and appliances.

3. Heat and cool smartly: simple steps like cleaning air filters regularly and having your heating and cooling equipment tuned annually by a licensed contractor.

4. Seal and insulate your home

5. Use green power generated from renewable energy sources such as wind and the sun. There are two ways to use green power: you can buy green power or you can modify your house to generate your own green power.

6. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. If there is a recycling program in your community, recycle your newspapers, beverage containers, paper and other goods. Use products in containers that can be recycled and items that can be repaired or reused. In addition, support recycling markets by buying products made from recycled materials.

7. Be green in your yard. Use a push mower, which, unlike a gas or electric mower, consumes no fossil fuels and emits no greenhouse gases.

8. Use water efficiently. Be smart when irrigating your lawn or landscape; only water when needed and do it during the coolest part of the day, early morning is best. Turn the water off while shaving or brushing teeth. Do not use your toilet as a waste basket – water is wasted with each flush. And did you know a leaky toilet can waste 200 gallons of water per day? Repair all toilet and faucet leaks right away.

9. Spread the Word. Tell family and friends that energy efficiency is good for their homes and good for the environment because it lowers greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Tell 5 people and together we can help our homes help us all.

by moltenarts

by wizzerer

Source: epa


Peter Blanchard


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